Half Meal Habit

nullGet your copy of the Half Meal Habit –
3 Simple Rules That Will Change Your Life!
Revised and expanded for 2023!

What is the Half Meal Habit?

It’s three simple rules that look something like this:

Rule #1: Eat less. I show you how to cut 1000 calories PAINLESSLY every day! It’s life-changing.
Rule #2: Move more, but only if you want to! You do not have to work out to lose weight.
Rule #3: Hydrate. Drink water at certain times in your day to impact your body for weight loss.
That’s it!
Remember, ALL you have to focus on is ONE THING, and that’s knowing this: 

“I’m overweight because I simply eat too much!” 

And this is the BEST possible news. Do you know why?  Because it is all you have to focus on.

You don’t have to:
…eat the perfect foods.
…work out an hour per day, 6 days a week.
…cut out all carbs.
…eliminate sugar.
…count calories.
…do an hour of cardio every other day.
…eat a low fat diet.
…avoid pasta.
…eat up all your “points” by noon and starve yourself the rest of the day.
…eat like a Caveman, South Beacher, Mediterranean, or a Bird.
…eat only vegetables, fruit, and protein.
…skip lunches out because restaurant food is fattening.
…eat a salad with lemon juice as the dressing.
…avoid anything “white.”
…eat so little that you starve yourself.
…watch in envy as you eat your diet food and everyone else has a cheeseburger.
…focus on your weight so much.
…be depressed and frustrated because you can’t lose weight.

All you HAVE to do is educate yourself and learn how to:
…eat less be eating half meals.
…work out the right way, 10 to 15 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week, only if you want.
…hydrate by drinking water at the right times.

That’s it! There’s a lot more to it, but it truly is that simple! If you want to lose weight fast and keep it off for the rest of your life, look no further. So many people have been helped by following this simple plan. It’s astoundingly easy and anyone can do it.



Some reviews from the older version of the HMH, without the expanded information!

It’s YOUR time. The first step is ALWAYS the hardest. After that, it’s simple. YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!